
At Cilantra Workit Solutions, we hold the safety and security of user data with utmost importance, especially within the context of the Google Play Store Console. Our commitment extends to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of data entrusted to us by users leveraging our solutions.

Security Protocols:

We implement robust security measures in line with industry standards to fortify the protection of data housed within the Google Play Store Console. These measures include encryption protocols for data both in transit and at rest, routine security assessments, and access controls to mitigate unauthorized access. Continuous monitoring of security threats and vulnerabilities is conducted to swiftly address any potential risks that may arise.

Data Sharing Practices:

Cilantra Workit Solutions does not engage in the sharing of users data from the app with external parties for marketing or advertising endeavors. However, certain data may be shared with trusted third-party service providers to aid in the management and enhancement of the app, subject to stringent confidentiality agreements.

Regulatory Compliance:

We adhere to pertinent data protection legislations and regulations, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Users retain control over their data and possess the ability to manage permissions and access privileges within the app settings.

Transparency and Accountability:

Cilantra Workit Solutions maintains transparency regarding our data practices, providing users with clear insights into the collection, utilization, and sharing of their data. We uphold accountability for our data handling practices and are dedicated to addressing any inquiries or concerns pertaining to data safety and privacy.

Data Deleting Request/Contact Information:

For further clarification or inquiries concerning data safety in the app within the purview of Cilantra Workit Solutions, please reach out to our Privacy team at privacy@cilantraworkit.com.